Godly Lane, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 4QR


School Uniform

Children may wear:

Plain White shirt or polo shirt or embroidered with the school crest

Grey trousers or shorts

Grey skirts, pinafores or trousers

Red sweatshirt or cardigan embroidered with the school crest

Red gingham school dress can be worn during the warmer months

Children should wear sensible black flat shoes and not trainers.

PE Kit
Indoor PE– children should wear black shorts and a white PE T-shirt and plimsolls.

Outdoor PE– children should wear black shorts, white PE T-shirt and trainers.  In colder weather, a sweatshirt or hoodie and black jogging bottoms are advisable.

Uniform Suppliers
Please don’t forget to order your school uniform for the new year from either of our uniform suppliers:
www.YourSchoolUniform.com or www.myclothing.com
Please order before the end of July to ensure delivery before September.

Name Labels

Name labels can be purchased through https://www.stikins.co.ukThe PTA have formed a partnership with Stikins which means any purchase you make will generate income for school. 

Click here to order Stikins labels