Through teaching PSHE, we equip pupils with the skills to flourish and thrive in a rapidly changing world. Our PSHE programme is at the centre of the school curriculum, teaching concepts, knowledge and skills as well as providing wide-ranging opportunities to have responsibilities and experiences of life in modern day Britain. To enrich PSHE learning we create partnerships with other schools, invite visitors who provide expert input and join community programmes such as Junior Wardens. Our adaptive and inclusive curriculum meets the needs of all our pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). We ensure that our curriculum fosters gender equality and LGBT+ equality.
Our PSHE policy is guided by the RSHE Statutory Guidelines
The aims of PSHE are to enable the pupils to:
• know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle for body and mind;
• know how to keep safe in a wide range of contexts (including e safety) and be aware of safety issues that may affect them;
• understand what makes for caring relationships with others;
• have respect for others and the rule of law;
• be independent and responsible members of both the school community and the wider community;
• be positive and active members of a democratic society;
• develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and make informed choices regarding
personal and social issues;
• to understand that they are a part of a larger national and global community
• know what they should do if they are worried about inappropriate behaviour from adults, teenagers and other pupils;
• understand the physical development of their bodies as they grow.
KS1 PSHE Overview
KS2 PSHE Overview
A St John's Citizen...
All children walking a mile a day during Healthy Week.
Junior Wardens learning how to care for their community.
Year 6 children meeting their new Reception buddies.