As a Church Academy, an act of Collective Worship of a Christian character is undertaken daily at school. Teachers and the clergy from the local churches lead the worship. Holy Communion is celebrated in school on a regular basis as well as observation of key Christian festival

St. John’s School has strong links with the local village church, with the children participating in services several times a year.

Children of all ages and their parents are warmly invited to attend the church services that involve the children, as well as the regular Sunday morning worship in church.

Please follow links to find out more about St John’s church:

Parents wishing to do so, can exercise their right to withdraw their children from collective worship under section 237 (2) of the 1988 Education Act. If parents are considering such a decision, they are asked to consult with the Head Teacher.

SIAMS Feedback (January 2020)

“St John’s Primary School is harmonious and nurturing. It ensures that pupils make the academic, social and emotional progress that enables them to flourish and be resilient and aspirational for their futures.”

“Pupils shine in their learning” and “demonstrate exemplary behaviour and leadership.”

Read full SIAMS report

Collective Worship

The Vision of St John’s CE Primary School, Rishworth

Matthew 5:16 (NRSV)

“Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father in heaven.”

Following Matthew 5:16, people shine through success, honesty, independence, neighbourliness and enjoyment. We believe children learn best when they’re happy and have the confidence to respond to challenges, within a caring Christian environment where adults lead by example. We value the partnership with families and the community whilst striving to give our best.

The School’s Aims are:

¨To maximise the academic attainment of each child

¨To maximise the personal, social, spiritual and physical development of each child

The pupils, staff, parents and governors of St John’s have worked together to create our core values:

Success. We aim to provide excellent learning opportunities to ensure the best possible progress and attainment for all children whatever their needs and abilities.

Honesty. We aim to develop children’s understanding of the importance of honesty in all relationships and as part of self-reflection in a Christian environment.

Independence. We aim to develop the self- confidence in all our children that enables them to think and work independently, so striving for excellence in all areas of the curriculum.

Neighbourliness. We aim to ensure that every child becomes a compassionate and respectful member of the school, local, national and global communities.

Enjoyment. We aim to be a safe, friendly and welcoming environment where children have exciting and creative learning experiences that help develop an enjoyment and love of learning.

Take a look at the policies for Collective Worship and our Spirituality Statement of Intent


Collective Worship Policy.pdf .pdf
Spirituality Statement of Intent Aut 2023.pdf .pdf


As a Church Academy, an act of Collective Worship of a Christian character is undertaken daily at school. Teachers and the clergy from the local churches lead the worship. Holy Communion is celebrated in school on a regular basis as well as observation of key Christian festival

St. John’s School has strong links with the local village church, with the children participating in services several times a year.

Children of all ages and their parents are warmly invited to attend the church services that involve the children, as well as the regular Sunday morning worship in church.

Please follow links to find out more about St John’s church:

Parents wishing to do so, can exercise their right to withdraw their children from collective worship under section 237 (2) of the 1988 Education Act. If parents are considering such a decision, they are asked to consult with the Head Teacher.

SIAMS Feedback (January 2020)

“St John’s Primary School is harmonious and nurturing. It ensures that pupils make the academic, social and emotional progress that enables them to flourish and be resilient and aspirational for their futures.”

“Pupils shine in their learning” and “demonstrate exemplary behaviour and leadership.”

Read full SIAMS report

Collective Worship

The Vision of St John’s CE Primary School, Rishworth

Matthew 5:16 (NRSV)

“Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father in heaven.”

Following Matthew 5:16, people shine through success, honesty, independence, neighbourliness and enjoyment. We believe children learn best when they’re happy and have the confidence to respond to challenges, within a caring Christian environment where adults lead by example. We value the partnership with families and the community whilst striving to give our best.

The School’s Aims are:

¨To maximise the academic attainment of each child

¨To maximise the personal, social, spiritual and physical development of each child

The pupils, staff, parents and governors of St John’s have worked together to create our core values:

Success. We aim to provide excellent learning opportunities to ensure the best possible progress and attainment for all children whatever their needs and abilities.

Honesty. We aim to develop children’s understanding of the importance of honesty in all relationships and as part of self-reflection in a Christian environment.

Independence. We aim to develop the self- confidence in all our children that enables them to think and work independently, so striving for excellence in all areas of the curriculum.

Neighbourliness. We aim to ensure that every child becomes a compassionate and respectful member of the school, local, national and global communities.

Enjoyment. We aim to be a safe, friendly and welcoming environment where children have exciting and creative learning experiences that help develop an enjoyment and love of learning.

Take a look at the policies for Collective Worship and our Spirituality Statement of Intent


Collective Worship Policy.pdf .pdf
Spirituality Statement of Intent Aut 2023.pdf .pdf