Godly Lane, Sowerby Bridge, HX6 4QR

DT at St john's Rishworth

We teach pupils the ability to embrace new technologies; think creatively to solve problems (individually and in teams) and improve the quality of life. They learn to identify needs, wants and opportunities, develop ideas and manufacture products and systems. The subject enables pupils to combine practical skills with an appreciation of aesthetics, social and environmental issues, function and industrial practices. Pupils become discriminating and informed users and innovators. We believe that DT is a “problem solving” subject and that our programmes of study should help pupils to find practical solutions to problems. 


  1. Self - We want our pupils to be inspired to work creatively to develop ideas and solve problems using
    a range of materials and processes.
  2. Others - We want our pupils to develop an appreciation of design work within our community and
    from different historical periods and cultures.
  3. Wider world – We want our pupils to have confidence, skills and knowledge to be active participants
    in a rapidly changing technological society.


The school uses a variety of teaching and learning styles in design and technology lessons. Pupils work alone
or in groups on their designs. They collaborate and share ideas with others. They have the opportunity to
use a wide range of materials and resources, including ICT.
In all classes there are pupils of differing ability.

We recognise this fact and provide suitable learning
opportunities for all pupils by matching the challenge of the task to the ability of the pupil. The schemes of
work are differentiated at appropriate levels of challenge.


Design and technology is a foundation subject in the National Curriculum. Our school uses the skills and
knowledge objectives set out in the National Curriculum as the basis for its curriculum planning in design and technology.

We carry out the curriculum planning in design and technology in three phases: long-term, medium-term
and short-term.

The long-term plan maps out the topics to be covered over the 4 year cycle (KS2) or 2 year cycle (KS1).
Topics covered include: textiles, vehicles, electricity and food.

The medium-term plans are written by the KS teams under the direction of the Key Stage leader. They
address the problem solving, designing, making and evaluating elements of DT. The plans are differentiated
so as to address the needs of all the pupils in the KS.

The short term plans are completed by all teachers and outline when lessons will be delivered. DT is a
subject which teachers might choose to block over a 2-3 week programme in the term. This allows for
sharing of resources and for a reduction in time spent setting up and clearing up classrooms.

During our Friday afternoon activities, Key Stage 2 have cooking lessons. Each Class will cook a number of
healthy meals throughout the year.

Assessment is built into our programmes of work. Pupil’s work is usually photographed and recorded in the
red home-school books with evaluations from the pupils. Teachers record assessments in these books which
can then be used for annual report writing.

Design and Technology in EYFS

Reception pupils learn to explore, build, create and develop their small motor skills through playful, practical and focused tasks. Their curriculum is guided by the “Expressive Arts and Design” and “Physical Development” statements found in the Development Matters document for September 2021 that school has chosen to adopt early in September 2020. Reception children are assessed against the Early Learning Goals in the summer term with Design and Technology assessed under the new Early Learning Goal titled “Creating with Materials and “Fine Motor.”




