ORACY at St John’s

At St John's, we believe that talk is the true foundation of learning. 

We believe that spoken language is an essential tool for our children to become model citizens of tomorrow.  Oracy is beginning to be embedded throughout our whole curriculum and is a key driver in all that we do.  Teachers set high expectations and model the correct use of oracy for our children to allow them to become confident speakers for a range of different purposes and audiences.  


Self – We aim to develop articulate and respectful pupils who can speak confidently and put forward their own thoughts, as well as listening actively to others. 

Others – Speaking and Listening are fundamental means of communication and learning, for making relationships, passing on information and developing a shared understanding and respect for different cultures.  

Wider world –Speaking and Listening is a vital part of communication in an ever more connected world. An ability to not only speak effectively to one another whilst also understanding the intention of others is essential as pupils progress into the next stage of their learning.

All teachers in the school are currently becoming familiar with Voice 21's oracy teacher benchmarks which include; setting high expectations for talk, Valuing every child's voice, Teaching oracy explicitly throughout the curriculum, Harnessing oracy to elevate learning and appraising progress in oracy. Using these, the school further develops a culture of oracy from our EYFS through to KS2.

We aim to improve the level of oracy skills for all our children allowing them to articulate their thoughts and feelings confidently and realise their full potential. We teach a range of skills that will enable children to develop their speaking, through the following strands; PhysicalLinguisticCognitive and Social emotional. It is important for children to learn the fundamental talking skills which will help support them in all areas of their learning. 


For further information on progression of the strands from EYFS to Year 6, please see the document below.



Our aim is to develop and encourage fluent speakers, giving children the opportunities to express themselves through a wide range of contexts.  We encourage children to speak with confidence and clarity while recognising the importance of listening and collaborating with others. We ensure that children are exposed to and are developing a high level of vocabulary by learning new ambitious words each week.

Teachers implement a range of activities within the classroom that will enable children to learn through talk and learn to talk.  Pupils have a variety of oracy opportunities both exploratory and presentational.  All lessons allow for exploratory discussional talk and children are beginning to use their talk tactics to build and challenge the ideas of others.  There are also planned opportunities for presentational talk throughout the curriculum ensuring children develop their confidence and are prepared for their future. 


With oracy at the forefront of our thinking, children are able to express themselves in a variety of contexts and can share their ideas; listen to those of others; build on ideas; challenge others respectfully and are willing to change their viewpoint.  

The impact of teaching oracy:

  • Increases pupil confidence in all areas of the curriculum.
  • Improves academic outcomes.
  • Fosters wellbeing. 
  • Gives the essential skills for children to thrive in life beyond school.
  • Promotes social equity.

Pupils will have proficient oracy skills and be able to use language to communicate confidently, fluently and articulately. With this aspect of cultural capital, our students will be able to positively contribute to their society, both now and in the future.
